The Learning Commons is the institution’s center for learning, with individual support and opportunities for the community to learn together. Use the Learning Commons as your lab for achieving your academic and social mobility goals!
- Meet with other students in study groups or for tutoring support with writing, math, and science.
- Develop your professional plan or find an internship or experiential learning opportunity by meeting with a Career Counselor and Academic Advisor.
- Enhance your time management and study effectiveness by meeting with a Success Coach or Peer Mentor.
- Find and use information in our databases and check out books on our Library shelves.
- Utilize accessibility accommodations to have an equitable opportunity for success.
- Conduct your own research as a member of the Honors Program.
- Engage in workshops or reading groups for faculty/staff professional development.
- Participate in an event, browse materials on display, de-stress with crafts and puzzles, and more!