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Divergent Learning


How to find the best Databases

  1. To find subject/discipline focused databases go to the library homepage
  2. Scroll down to the bottom
  3. Find the first option in the column located to the right of the page labeled Research and Databases
  4. This will guide you to a page where the databases are organized by subjects and type of research

Discipline Focused Databases

Covers most aspects of education from pre-K through higher education. 


Education Full Text (EBSCO)
 Provides full-text options of articles spanning from the topics of special education to teaching methods.


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO)
Database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics focusing on observational and experimental methods of interference.


APA PsychArticles (EBSCO)
American Psychological Association database for full text peer reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in all aspects of psychology. 


Teacher Reference Center
Teacher specific research database providing peer reviewed articles on best practices, administration, assessment, and more.


How to find General Databases

  1. To find these databases go to library homepage
  2. Scroll down to the bottom
  3. Find the first option in the column located to the right of the page Research and Databases
  4. These will be located in the Most Popular column, or you can find then in the A-Z databases

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Is a multidisciplinary database, with advanced search options. You have to be more specific with your keywords in order to get relevant results. 


Semantic Scholar
Is a multidisciplinary database which helps narrow down results of academically published articles and documents. This database can narrow results down by how many times an article has been cited and the significance of those citations. You do have to make an account but it is FREE!