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Copyright and Accessibility: Accessibility Resources

Resources on copyright and accessibility

Accessibility Introducation

This portion of the guide is in-progress and will be updated with further guidance. For now, here are some resources that can help as you consider how to make your courses more accessible.

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Checkers

  • Microsoft Accessibility Checker
    This page offers guidance on the use of the built-in accessibility checker found in Microsoft products. It is important to check your accessibility of e-mails, presentations, and documents, and this tool can help.
  • YuJa Panorama support page
    This guide offers information on the Panorama tool that is built into our Canvas instance.
  • Adobe Accessibility Checker
    This guide from Adobe walks through the various accessibility features found in Adobe Pro.

General Resources

Alt Text

  • Guide on writing good alt text from Harvard University
    This guide provides suggestions on how to best write alt text to describe images for students.


  • We are Colorblind resources
    This collective offers guidance on using color in an accessible way, such as making sure that contrast is visible for certain types of vision.
  • WebAIM Contrast Checker
    This checker will help you determine if an image has sufficient contrast for readability. You can also download an eyedropper tool like ColorZilla to check images in your browser.

Alt Text in Canvas

If you share images in Canvas, you need to add alt text. To add alt text to an image, in the Rich Content Editor, upload an image. Below it, you'll see a field to add alt text.

Screenshot of Canvas image uploader showing a koala emoji with accompanying alt text describing it

Alt text should describe the image, giving both the content and feel. A good rule of thumb is to write the alt text in the way you'd describe an image to someone over the phone!

If you want more information on accessibility in Canvas, watch this workshop held in October 2023!